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Webhook event payloads

Base payload

Every event will have the following top level fields

uidstringUnique identifier of the event
versionintegerMajor version number to indicate backwards incompatible versions
sourcestringWill always be the string "Encord"
event_typestringThe event type. See below for more info.
event_created_timestampstringA string of the timestamp in the ISO 8601 format. For example 2022-04-13T14:35:11.791161+00:00
payloadobjectAn object with different fields depending on the type of event. See below for more info.

Individual event payloads

Task submitted payload

event_type: task_submitted_event


project_hashstringThe unique identifier for the project.

Task completed payload

event_type: task_completed_event


project_hashstringThe unique hash identifier for the project.
label_hashstringThe unique hash identifier for the label.

Full digest payload

event_type: digest_event


projects_statsarrayArray of ProjectStats objects


Please note that the summary statistics are all for the time frame of the daily digest. This is currently 24h.

project_hashstringThe unique hash identifier for the project.
annotator_statsarrayArray of AnnotatorStats objects
reviewer_statsarrayArray of ReviewerStats objects


user_emailstringEmail address of the user
submitted_labelsintegerNumber of labels the user has submitted
accepted_labelsintegerNumber of labels that were accepted by a reviewer
rejected_labelsintegerNumber of labels that were rejected by a reviewer
avg_time_for_addOptional[float]Average time it took for the annotator to add a label in milliseconds. This field is optional.
avg_time_for_editOptional[float]Average time it took for the annotator to edit a label in milliseconds. This field is optional.
rejection_ratefloatThe number of rejected labels over all rejected and approved labels.
total_add_or_edit_timefloatTotal time it took for adding and editing labels in milliseconds.


user_emailstringEmail address of the user
reject_countintegerNumber of labels rejected
accept_countintegerNumber of labels accepted
average_timefloatAverage time it took to process a single review
reviews_countintegerTotal number of reviews
total_timefloatTotal time spent on reviews
rejection_ratefloatRejected reviews over all reviews