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Frequently Asked Questions


I see an error when I try to log in to the application. How can I fix this?
  • Please ensure you're using the Chrome browser, and that it's up-to-date.
  • Try clearing your browser's cache, refresh the page and try again.
  • If you're still stuck, please contact so can help you resolve this issue.


How do I manage teams, or create user groups?

You can create user groups within your organization. These can be added to specific projects as teams.

  • Our documentation on user groups can be found here.

  • For information on how to create teams for a given project please see the Team Management section in our documentation.

What does the "Version mismatch" pop-up in the label editor mean?

Don't worry, no data has been lost! This is a warning from our system that occurs if:

  • Two different people are editing a task at the same time.
  • Or, that one individual has the task open in two different browser windows.

In both cases we recommend to click 'cancel' to prevent any unexpected data overwrites.


How do I upload DICOM data?

How to upload you DICOM data depends on whether you plan on using files stored in a private cloud, or locally.

  • Local files can be dragged-and-dropped when creating a new dataset.
  • Files from your private cloud are uploaded using JSON files. We do not supported upload via the CSV file format.

For information on uploading your DICOM files using the Encord SDK, please see the relevant documentation here.

If I have duplicate datasets, how can I find out which one is which?
  1. Go to 'Datasets' in our web app.
  2. Re-name both datasets to make them distinguishable.
  3. Open up both cases in the editor, and see which one is which (e.g. which one is annotated and which is not).

For information on how to delete a dataset see our documentation here.

How do I re-encode videos?
  • You can re-encode your videos on our platform when uploading the data.
  • You will be notified if we detect your files need re-encoding.

Please see the re-encoding data section in our documentation.

What video formats are supported?

We support the following formats and codecs:

  • .mp4 file with h.264 (not with h.265).
  • .webm withvp9.

Please visit our documentation on compatability for more information on data compatability.

I am getting an error when I try to display video or DICOM files. How can I fix this?

This could be browser issue. To resolve, please:

  1. Use Chrome as a browser, if you aren't already.
  2. Turn hardware acceleration off.
  3. If you're still stuck, please contact so we can help resolve this issue.


Why can't I see all classifications/annotations when reviewing?

Check the sampling rate.

It's possible that you are seeing a different number of classifications/annotations than expected because you have the sampling rate set too high/low.


Can I re-order an ontology?

Re-ordering an ontology is only possible using the SDK. We are looking to add a more user-friendly version of this functionality into our UI in the future.

The following example can be used to re-order the first two elements in an existing ontology using the SDK:

  1. Authenticate the user client via the SDK using by defining the get_user_client function and invoking the EncordUserClient method if you haven't already:
def get_user_client() -> EncordUserClient:
ssh_key = os.environ.get("SSH_KEY")

return EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(
  1. Pass the ONTOLOGY_RESOURCE_ID into the user_client's get_ontology method, perform the relevant changes, and call to commit the changes:
user_client = get_user_client()
ontology = user_client.get_ontology(ONTOLOGY_RESOURCE_ID)

first_object = ontology.structure.objects[0]
second_object = ontology.structure.objects[1]

ontology.structure.objects[0] = second_object
ontology.structure.objects[1] = first_object

Cloud Integrations

How do I set up an integration with Azure?

There are two methods to set up an Azure integration.

  1. By generating an account-level shared access signature (SAS).
  2. By using a service principal. Your user needs to be the admin of your Azure tenants for this method.

Both methods are described in detail in our documentation here

Can I use special characters in AWS S3 object names when importing data?

The use of special characters in object names should generally be avoided.

See the AWS docs here for more information.

Can I set up download via internet URLs?

In the interest of keeping your data secure we do not offer downloading via internet URLs.


How do use the SDK to read, create, and update labels?

Find instructions for uploading the labels here in our documentation. We support JSON and COCO formats.

How do I export metadata using Encord's SDK?

The review metadata will be exported in the JSON format. The 'status' will allow you to see what was reviewed and what wasn't.

See our documentation here for more information.

How do I avoid hitting the timeout when using the get_project() method on the API?

Increase the timeout of your Encord client, given the size of the project this is a long-running query.

Download of labels via the SDK is slow. How do I speed it up?

Setting get_signed_url=False should avoid latency with signing the URL.

This can be done by using the following operation: project.get_label_row("<label_hash>", get_signed_url=False)

Here are the instructions for the get_label_row function.

Can I pre-select frames to label for a video using the SDK?

Yes, you can!

To do so, add an extra feature in the ontology naming it, for example: Selected -> Yes.

Share the ontology tree with Encord Support ( to allow us to match the import script with the feature uuid (featureNodeHash).

Can I import models and model predictions?

You can't upload your own model - but you are able to import your model predictions via the SDK.

How can I get, or change the label status via SDK?
  1. To get the annotation_task_status you need to call the client.list_label_rows() function.

The possible response values will be: QUEUED, ASSIGNED, IN_REVIEW, RETURNED, COMPLETED.

See our documentation for further details.

Further information on annotation_task_status is available here.

  1. You can change the label status via the SDK using this guide.
How can I import labels via CVAT importer?

Please see our CVAT documentation here.

What are Object Hashes?

The object hash provides an efficient and convenient mechanism to store and retrieve data with ease. Each has serves as a unique lookup key within the platform.